I'm Pregnant!

Jan 28, 2014

Hi everyone! It's been a little while since I posted anything, but a lot has been going on! If you follow me on Instagram then you probably already saw the news...I'm pregnant! My husband and I are very excited and already can't wait to meet our little one. I found out on New Years day and immediately told my husband the news. I told my dad and my mother in law right after we found out but we decided to wait until we had the first ultrasound to tell the rest of our family and friends. I'm currently about 8 weeks along and I know that there are a lot of different opinions about when you should tell people, but we decided that we wanted to share the news sooner!

I had my ultrasound today and it went amazingly. The baby is 3 days ahead and the heartbeat is strong! We couldn't keep the news to ourselves any longer! So there will be weekly updates on my pregnancy and I'm deciding if I want to start doing Vlogs on Youtube as well because I think that would be really fun to look back on and hopefully, it might help out some other newly pregnant ladies out there! I will still be posting fashion and beauty posts as well so don't worry!

There is one last thing I wanted to share with you all...our Facebook announcement photo and our ultrasound !



  1. Congrats!! That's very exciting.

  2. I love the military boots next to the tiny dainty shoes and flower tattoo!! :)

  3. Holy cow, congratulations! Your Facebook announcement photo is so cute, what a great idea :)

  4. Congratulations, Ashley!

    I have loved following your blog, and this is such fantastic news. :)

  5. Aw thank you so much! Xo

  6. Thank you!! :)


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& always try to reply to everyone! If you would like to chat with me or
have any questions, the best way to reach me is on twitter: @ohashleyyy
or send me an email: laceandpearlsx@yahoo.com
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! xo