Pregnancy Update - Week 11

Feb 23, 2014

How far along?
11 weeks, 2 days. Next week is my last week in the first trimester! So happy!

Total weight gain?
About 7-8 pounds. I feel like that's a lot.

Maternity clothes?
I've only bought maternity shirts so far. I like them a lot because they're long enough to cover my bum so that I can wear my leggings. SO much more comfortable than jeans! I bought a few bump bands but my jeans still aren't comfy at all. I'm thinking I might have to suck it up and get a pair of maternity pants soon.

Stretch marks?
Not yet. I use the Burts Bees Mamma Bee Belly Butter every night. I don't really like smell of it so when it runs out I'm going to try something different.

I'm SO tired all the time, oh my gosh. I don't think I have ever felt this exhausted in my life! Even though I'm so tired sleep is getting a little uncomfortable so I went out and bought a pregnancy wedge pillow to put in between my knees at night. Hopefully this helps!

Best moment this week?
My mother in law sent us a care package filled with adorable baby things. I loved getting all of it!

Miss anything?
I definately miss having a drink at dinner! I know I'm going to miss it even more when it starts getting hotter here!

Not yet. However we've seen our little one flipping and kicking a ton during ultrasounds so I know it's quite active in there!

Food cravings?
Anything cheesy! I've especially been craving pizza a lot!

Anything making you feel queezy or sick?
Nothing at the moment. A few weeks ago almost anything made me feel so nauseous that I didn't want to eat anything. Thank goodness that has disappeared!

We don't know yet! But I am like 99% sure that it's going to be a girl! We booked an early gender scan at 15 weeks so I'm really hoping that we will find out then!

I still feel so exhausted. It feels like a huge chore to do pretty much anything at the moment. My poor husband hasn't been getting home cooked meals as often because I'm just so exhausted all the time! Besides feeling tired all the time, I also have been constantly hungry. I'm always snacking on something! I've also been getting ligament pain in my stomach area which is definately no fun at all. I don't know how long it lasts but hopefully it goes away soon!

Belly button in or out?

Happy or moody most of the time?
Happy most of the time!

Looking forward to?
March 7th is our next ultrasound and I can't wait to see our little one!

I hope you all enjoyed this update! I am going to start doing my pregnancy updates at the end of each week. I just hadn't posted in a while and I really wanted to share my update with you guys! So I hope you enjoyed it! If there are any other mommy blogs or pregnancy blogs that you guys like reading please leave me the links, I'd love to get some new blogs to read!


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